
Story of the Eye


The Story of the Eye

The project "Story of the Eye" is inspired by Medusa, a highly misunderstood creature of the ancient Greek and, later, Roman mythology. According to Ovid's Metamorphoses, Medusa, originally a beautiful maiden, was raped by Poseidon inside the temple of Athena and the later, seeking revenge, transformed her into a horrifying monster whose glance would petrify anyone that dared to look at her face. Perseus beheaded her using his shield as a mirror, in order to avoid her fatal glance, and then donated the petrifying head to Athena who placed it on her shield, as it could still offer great protection. Her story unravels her various metamorphoses as well as different stages of her identity: the woman, the monster and the object. All action takes place on her head, as all her transformations are connected with her face and even more with her gaze.

This work wishes to shift the attention from the terrifying and fatal characteristics of Medusa's eyes and, instead, to celebrate these loving, protective, playful, strong, feminine, independent and unconventional eyes. All jewelry pieces are made with family heirlooms, more specifically with silverware and peals, connecting in this way, through the process of metamorphoses, ancient myth with recent work .


My Eyes Have Seen You | Necklace | 2022

Silver 900 (reused Silverware), Silver 925, Gold 14K, Plastic Pearls


Bitter Tears (and a sweet one) | Brooch | 2022

Silver 900 (reused Silverware), Silver 925, Gold 14K, Plastic Pearls, Freshwater Pearl, Steel Wire


Origins or who came first | Brooch | 2022

Silver 900 (reused Silverware), Silver 925, Gold 14K, Plastic Pearls, Freshwater Pearl, Steel Wire


Medusa’s daydream | video | 2022